Safety and Health Management

Safety and Health
Safety and Health Policy
All employees of Daeyang Enbio Co., Ltd. recognize protecting human life as a top priority and are committed to ensuring
the highest level of safety in compliance with the basic principles as part of their social responsibility. To this end,
we have established a safety and health policy to raise awareness and improve the quality of our employees' lives.

All employees of Daeyang Enbio Co., Ltd. work together to prevent occupational accidents at all times.

We ensure that our safety and health management system meets the requirements of our customers and international
standards including ISO 45001.

We raise safety awareness through continuous training and emergency drills.

We identify and proactively manage all types of risks and promote safety and health practices to prevent accidents.

We conduct safety inspections and risk assessments, as well as implement necessary safety measures before commencing
hazardous and dangerous work.

January 1, 2023

Safety and Health
Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001)
Daeyang Enbio Co., Ltd. acquired the ISO 45001 certification, an international
standard for occupational safety and health management, in July 2019 in order to
focus its resources on making its workplace safe through continuous improvement
and proactive response.